Presidential Inauguration
Brazilian Government Agency
DroneShield’s DroneGun Tactical devices were deployed at the inauguration ceremony for the president-elect of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, held at the Planalto Palace.
Security measures for the event were more substantial than usual, being sure to cover as many avenues as possible. Presidential security incorporated the DroneGun Tactical to their overall response – along with plainclothes officers throughout the crowd, a bomb squad, and other measures – to ensure readiness for interference by drone activity.
In a public event which includes a lengthy procession and outdoor ceremony with tens of thousands of attendees, certain security breaches have increased risk profiles. Consumer grade UAS are cheap and readily available but can cause all kinds of issues to such an event. An innocent but foolish attendee may wish to film aerial footage, or a protester may use a drone to interrupt proceedings and get publicity. Worse still, political extremists may wish to cause harm or commit acts of terror using these technologies.
Having the foresight to equip DroneGun Tactical units paid off in full, with Presidential security reporting that they defeated four separate suspicious drones which were headed for the President.
DroneGun Tactical provides a portable solution to disrupting unwanted UAS presence, with a substantial 2km range and versatility across a variety of common radio frequency bands. Additionally, a silent and non-kinetic solution is very suitable to events where incidents may be directly around members of the public.
System Deployment
Rationale & Advantages
Portable high powered drone disruption
Non-kinetic solutions maintain the peace and safety of the general public
Non-destructive “soft-kill” permits law enforcement to collect the drone for evidence and more readily track down a perpetrator