U.S. Investors
A number of US-based brokers enable US investors to trade ASX-listed shares, such as DroneShield. Please check with your broker if they enable this capability.
DroneShield trades under ASX:DRO ticker. Please note that other tickers (such as DRSHF) are not DroneShield ASX-listed shares, and only ASX:DRO are the DroneShield securities to trade.
U.S. investors are permitted to invest in DRO:ASX as long as they have the required trading permissions to trade ASX stocks. U.S. Clients could request the AU stock trading permissions to trade ASX stocks through IBKR. This can be done by logging into their Client Portal: Client Portal > Account Settings > Trading Experience & Permissions > Requesting trading permissions for Australian Stocks.
U.S. Clients need to open an account, then enable the international trading feature.
U.S. Clients need to open a Schwab One Brokerage or Schwab Global account.