Command-and-Control Systems
Comprehensive, Integrated C2 C-UAS Systems
DroneShield is a global leader in integrated Command-and-Control (C2) C-UAS systems. These C2 solutions, available both as fixed site and tactical systems, incorporate a wide range of DroneShield-native and third-party sensors and effectors.
Additionally, DroneShield offers customization to integrate additional sensors and effectors upon customer request. The systems are compatible with common APIs, including ATAK, WinTAK, and JSON, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced operational capabilities.
Integrated C2 Options
DroneSentry-C2 is a Command-and-Control system that performs sensor fusion on multiple sensor inputs from DroneShield and third-party sensors. It provides an intuitive and feature-rich software platform, providing counter-UAS awareness and reporting capabilities
DroneSentry-C2 Tactical
DroneSentry-C2 Tactical is a ruggedized deployment of DroneSentry-C2. It provides operators with real-time C-UAS situational awareness from a single device or network of DroneShield and third-party devices, such as the RfPatrol Mk2 and the DroneSentry-X