DroneShield – Global Leader in ‘Micro-AI’
In a world where ‘AI’ is a buzzword, DroneShield believes focusing on Micro-AI is the right approach for C-UAS. It is redefining edge computing by handling mission-critical tasks without bulky infrastructure or massive power consumption.
Counter-UAS Essential to Quell Potential Drone Terrorism
Drones are now common among terrorist groups and fringe actors as they're cheap and easily accessible. Learn how counter-UAS can detect and prevent them from being used to cause harm
What is the Best Drone Defeat Technique?
What technique best defeats rogue drones? This question has surged into importance as threats from drones—becoming more and more capable and accessible—continue to increase dramatically.
Counter-UAS: Going Beyond “Selling Boxes”
Small drones or small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) moved from a novelty to an everyday presence over the past decade across civilian day-to-day life