DroneShield – Global Leader in ‘Micro-AI’
In a world where ‘AI’ is a buzzword, DroneShield believes focusing on Micro-AI is the right approach for C-UAS. It is redefining edge computing by handling mission-critical tasks without bulky infrastructure or massive power consumption.
Advancements in Machine Learning and AI for Counterdrone Detection and Response
DroneShield’s SensorFusionAI builds an evolving model that is informed by all inputs over time, leveraging the strengths of each sensor while offsetting their weaknesses through Sensor Fusion and product integration.
Counter-UAS Essential to Quell Potential Drone Terrorism
Drones are now common among terrorist groups and fringe actors as they're cheap and easily accessible. Learn how counter-UAS can detect and prevent them from being used to cause harm
Enterprise approach enables C2 counter-UAS for nationwide security
DroneShield provides its DroneSentry-C2 ‘enterprise’ command-and-control system to military and civilian users around the world, both in its flagship DroneSentry-C2 format, and the tactical, field commander based, DroneSentry-C2 Tactical.
Protecting Prisons from Contraband Smuggling and Escape Plots Demands Specialized C-UAS
Learn how DroneShield's specialized C-UAS solutions prevent drones from smuggling contraband into prisons, enhancing security and safety measures.
Eye on the Sky: Preventing Collisions and Disturbances at Airports
For airports, drones aren’t just a nuisance. They are a rapidly proliferating safety threat. A single drone in the hands of a negligent owner can bring airports to a standstill
Of [Robotic] Mice and Men: When Cyborgs Go to War
Technology has evolved to the point where robot dogs and humanoids are deployable for military field duties.